Home// All Authors// Chad Laurans Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe audios by Chad Laurans 6 List Cards Top audios by Chad Laurans Play How do I hire for a role I'm not familiar with? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Benefits • Hiring Play How should I educate consumers about my product? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Product • Product & Engineering Play Part 2: Should I start a company with my significant other? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Starting a Company Play How do I stay ahead of the curve? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Coaches & Leadership Training • Leadership Play What is the number one piece of advice you give early stage founders? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Starting a Company Play Part 2: Should I bootstrap my company? Chad Laurans Fmr CEO at SimpliSafe Tech • Fundraising